Global Warming is REAL
Juried Encaustic/Wax Exhibition
This exhibition is open to all artists working in wax media (encaustic & cold wax) whether they are members of EAI or not.
All 2-D or 3-D artwork created using wax-based media is acceptable for submission and consideration by the juror. Wax-based media includes all forms of encaustic, hot or cold wax, and encaustic mixed media (with any combination of media). There are no limitations to your expression, but the artwork must meet the entry requirements, relate to the theme of global warming, and be made from wax-based media.
Artists juried in to the exhibition may participate in the in-person exhibition and the online exhibition, or may elect to show their work online only.
All work must be for sale and will be exhibited online & in the Museum of Encaustic Art, New Mexico, USA.
- we encourage you to submit work done in the last year
- artists may submit TWO (2) pieces of art for consideration, juror will not select more than one piece per artist
Entry requirements and details below.
Global Warming is REAL. As scientific reports and photos warn of the changes in our earth’s atmosphere, we become sensitized to how global warming impacts us now and in the future. Global organizations such as 350.org, and these comprehensive articles from CNN and Smithsonian on the recently released United Nations-backed IPCC report, document the scientific facts and impacts of climate change, helping us to begin to assimilate and personalize the information. Climate change is becoming more visible and tangible.
Within the global warming theme there are several subset topics which would be acceptable for applicants to consider for inspiration for their entries, such as: warming temperatures, extreme weather, warming ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, glacial shrinking, melting ice sheets, species endangerment, habitat reduction, losses of coral reefs, climate migrants, food insufficiency or famine due to climate change – any issue related to climate change could be covered under the theme.
A creative interpretation of your thoughts and feelings on this subject as expressed through art will be the heart of this exhibition. The juror will make selections based on the interpretation of the Global Warming is REAL theme as well as the quality of the submitted artwork.

Angela Hansen is a Canadian encaustic artist with a keen interest in ecological and environmental art practices as a factor in cultural transformations as well as a bona fide tree hugger. Since childhood growing up on a farm in the 1970’s she has been very aware of the interconnectedness of all living forms on this planet and sees a need for this understanding by everyone as more crucial than ever in the race to slow, stop, or even reverse the impacts of global warming in the epoch of Anthropocene. Her chosen medium allows her to make her own paint and to incorporate natural, reclaimed, scavenged, and, repurposed materials. You are likely to find her beachcombing, nature-walking, or in her garden talking to the bees if she is not in her studio; that is if she hasn’t been evacuated from her home due to ravaging forest fires.
Angela’s 3-dimensional encaustic installations have focussed on climate change; specifically the issues of ocean warming and food scarcity. CONSUME was an immersive encaustic exhibition based upon the Svalbard Seed Vault in Norway. Her artist statement for this installation reads in part: “Every living thing consumes something – humans are particularly good at it. This consumption has caught up with us, resulting in long-term catastrophic impacts upon our planet. Global warming effects combined with geo-political conflict are putting crops at risk, and with the ever increasing human population, there is a great need to protect and preserve the biodiversity of food crops. Her exhibition BREATH, is an ode to our oceans and suggests to the viewer: “The ocean and its plant life account for over half of the planet’s oxygen production and absorb nearly one third of the carbon dioxide generated from burning fossil fuels. Climate change and oceanic warming are resulting in the destruction of sensitive ecosystems integral to keeping the carbon cycle in balance. Take a deep breath and consider…”
The most pressing environmental issues of our day will continue to be the subject of future research and projects featuring fantastical and otherworldly sculptures that draw the viewer in while challenging them to question or ponder an environmental concern; perhaps to even impart change.
You can find more information about Angela and her work by visiting www.angelahansenart.com or @angelahansenart on Instagram, and be sure to watch her video found here.
Entries are submitted through our jury management program, EntryThingy. Once you’ve read through the eligibility details and all of the entry requirements, click the button below to begin your entry. For instructions on how to use EntryThingy, watch this video put out by EntryThingy.
Note: support/assistance will only be available until 5 pm MDT on July 29.
All entrants: Please carefully read and follow all the entry requirements and instructions below before beginning your entry.
- All forms of encaustic/wax, as noted above, are acceptable media to submit for consideration by the juror – including cold wax, and mixed media – as long as wax is a key component.
- All artwork must be for sale – and remain eligible for sale – from the time the entry is submitted (May 18 through July 29) and if an artwork is selected by the juror – until the close of the exhibition (October 20).
- Commission Fee for this juried exhibition: 50% to the artist/50% to Encaustic Art Institute.
- Entry Fee: $30 for Encaustic Art Institute members/$35 for non-EAI members, payable within your EntryThingy entry, via PayPal or credit card, or you may send a check to EAI.
- A statement describing how your entry addresses the theme (50 words minimum – 250 words maximum) is required as part of your entry. Please do take the time to write a statement that adequately expresses how your work fits the theme – for the juror, and for many viewers/buyers this is an important element of the exhibition. Both the online and in-person exhibits will present the artist statements with the artwork.
- Note: The EntryThingy system limits what they will accept for statements to a maximum of 530 characters –which is significantly less than what we will accept. If the length of your statement is longer than what EntryThingy allows, type in “statement sent separately” in the field where EntryThingy requests your statement. Then you may send a Word doc, or Pages document of your text to us. We will forward it to the juror to read with your entry. Email it to eainm.info@gmail.com. Be sure to include your entry number (as generated in EntryThingy – instead of using your name) with this statement. This document should not be more than 250 words and should absolutely NOT include any identifying personal information, as all entries are to be submitted anonymously to the juror. If you are submitting more than one work, you may include separate statements for each piece. Statements sent separately from the EntryThingy entry must be received no later than midnight on July 29 when entries close.
- Image specifications: Entrants may submit two (2) artworks (as high-resolution jpegs) with the option to submit additional detail/close-up views of the artwork depicted in the 2 primary images for consideration by the juror. We suggest the images be saved at 300 dpi as the resolution. (Minimum dpi: 150 dpi). Image dimensions: 1500 px minimum. File size up to 10 MB.
- There will be an online component to the exhibit consisting of the jpegs submitted as entries. Please be mindful when editing your jpegs to submit. Choose the best quality images possible to represent your work to the public (as well as to the juror).
- Ensure that the email address you use in your entry is a current address you actively monitor. If you use a different name for any reason in any part of your entry (e.g. you use a legal name on your entry but you go by an “artist name”) or the address/name associated with a PayPal account or credit card you use for your entry fee is different from your own – be sure to let us know.
- Size restrictions on the original artwork submitted to the juror:
- 2-D artwork must be 24 x 24 inches equivalent (or under)
- 3-D artwork must be 20 x 20 inches equivalent (or under)
- Entrants may opt to only participate in the online portion of the exhibition, in that case you will not ship your work to us, your work and statement will be posted online and a jpeg will be posted in place of your piece in the in-person exhibit, and if sold, the artist will ship directly to the buyer. Entrants who are shipping their work for the in-person portion of the exhibition must supply a prepaid return shipping label included with the accepted artwork for the return of the work, if not sold. No exceptions. Details on shipping to us, and the process to ship work to buyer will be sent to accepted artists.
- Click here to find the label to attach to the back or bottom of the work you ship to us.
If at any point after you have submitted your entry through EntryThingy (but before the closing date for entries), you realize you need to edit or adjust anything in your entry, contact eainm.info@gmail.com with your request to change the status of your entry. We will set your entry to “unsubmitted,” allowing you to return to EntryThingy and make your edits. No changes may be made after entries close. Be sure to complete the entry process with enough time to contact us to change the status to allow you to make any edits. Entries close at midnight on July 29, but support is only available until 5 pm (so you must contact us BEFORE 5 pm MDT July 29 for edits). When you’re finished, submit your entry to complete the process.
If you are editing an entry and have already paid your entry fee on the original submission, but the system will only allow you to submit your revised entry if you pay your fee again, contact us and we will refund the fee.
Call For Art opens on MAY 18 and closes for entries on JULY 29:
Entries open on May 18 and are due no later than midnight on July 29 – however, support/assistance will not be available after 5 pm MDT on July 29. This deadline is firm and we will not accept entries after the entry period closes. All entries must be complete in order to be considered, no exceptions.
Please note, we strongly suggest that you do NOT wait until the last day to submit your entry. You should allow yourself enough time to familiarize yourself with the EntryThingy system before the deadline so you don’t run into problems close to the deadline. Please give us (and yourself) at least a one day cushion in case you need to correct something, or we need to contact you to clarify something in your entry.
Notification of Juror results: AUGUST 18
We will notify artists of the juror results via email on August 18 through EntryThingy, and accepted artists’ names will be posted to the EAI website by August 19. The notification emails will be sent to the email address you’ve used in your EntryThingy profile and will come from an alerts@EntryThingy email address. Watch for the notification, and ensure that your email is a current address you actively monitor when submitting your entry. Remember to follow up and check your email for the notification or the website to see the juror results. Once we have sent the notices, we will not contact you to verify you’ve seen the results – this is your responsibility. However, we will email accepted artists on or around August 25 with detailed shipping instructions, and artists will be required to confirm all of their entry information. We will ask you to verify whether you will be shipping your artwork for the in-person exhibition OR if you will be participating only in the online exhibition and not shipping your work to us. Please watch for an email from eainm.info@gmail.com and immediately respond with any edits. Additionally, accepted artists may check the website (located in the drop-down menu under the Call for Art) for the shipping info/next steps – this page will be added to the website menu after August 25. Remember, the juror chooses the artwork only by your entry number, not your name.
Shipped Artwork must arrive at the Museum of Encaustic art BEFORE Saturday, September 7
Hand-delivery of artwork to the Museum of Encaustic Art by Sunday, September 8
Detailed shipping instructions will be emailed to accepted artists (see note above under Juror notification).
Click here to find the label to affix to the back of your accepted work (or bottom of 3-D work).
Exhibition opens: SEPTEMBER 14 and runs through OCTOBER 20 with an opening at the Museum of Encaustic Art from noon to three on Saturday, September 14.
You’ll find additional instructions on how to use the EntryThingy portal on the EAI website entry page, or here.
For questions regarding entry or anything related to the exhibition, contact Douglas or Adrienne Mehrens at
Mehrens@eainm.com or 505-424-6487.
Be inspired and enjoy the process!