- For market access & exposure for your art
- Invitation to display work in on-line member gallery & member shows
- Creates a web-wide community of encaustic/wax artists
- Education opportunities through programs & workshops
- Free admission to EAI Fund-Raising exhibits
To become a member of EAI, (or to renew your membership), click on the appropriate link below, fill out the form, press submit to complete your registration.
Click HERE to become a member of EAI
Click HERE to RENEW your EAI membership
EAI Individual Membership — $100 Yearly Membership Fee
EAI Student Membership — $50 Student Membership Fee
(contact Adrienne Mehrens membership.eai@gmail.com for information on student membership registration)
Contact us: Mehrens@eainm.com or 505-424-6487
If you would like step-by-step instructions on how to register, click here, or the button below.
You should receive a “Thank You” email with more information about your membership when you renew or become a member of EAI through the link(s) above. If you have not received this email within a few days of registering, please contact Adrienne at membership.eai@gmail.com as soon as possible so that she can verify we have activated your renewal or membership.
NEW and RENEWING EAI MEMBERS: You may submit two images of your work to be exhibited and for sale in the ONLINE EAI MEMBER GALLERY. Click here for more information, or contact Mehrens@eainm.com. Click here to see the online gallery.
After your membership has become effective, if you notice that you are not receiving emails from EAI, please contact Adrienne Mehrens at the email address above as soon as possible so we can sort out why you are not receiving emails from us.