For a non-juried exhibit of current EAI members’ work in the Museum of Encaustic Art gallery space.

The Museum of Encaustic Art in New Mexico is setting aside a space of immense value for an EAI Member-only exhibit within the Museum premises. We are pleased to once again present EAI Members’ work for sale within the museum setting, underscoring the significant contribution of our members to the art community. The exhibit will also feature an online component to extend its reach/availability for those unable to view it in person.

We urge you to thoroughly review all instructions and requirements before submitting your work for this non-juried Call for Art. This will help ensure that your submission meets the necessary criteria for consideration.


  • Your Encaustic Art Institute membership must be current.  If unsure, please email Adrienne to verify:

  • Any artwork created using wax-based media in 2-D or 3-D form is acceptable. Wax-based media includes all forms of encaustic, hot or cold wax, and encaustic mixed media (with any combination of media). 

  • EAI Members are allowed one work of art for the duration of the exhibition.  When your work is sold, no replacement work will be asked for.  Museum and storage space is limited. 
  • Clarification* One work of art per member. Members who currently have work (for sale) in the Museum will not be allowed another piece to exhibit. This does not apply to artists who have donated work to the Permanent Collection of the Museum which is NFS (Not For Sale). Global Warming EAI members who have work in the extended exhibition to June 1, will also be showing that work. (Links for the lists of artists with work for sale and already hanging in the Museuem are listed in both categories here. After June 1st if your work has sold, or you wish for that work to be returned, you can send us another piece as a replacement at your convenience.


This exhibition will hang in the Museum of Encaustic Art’s gallery space and be viewable online. You may opt to participate in the in-person exhibit only – not in the online exhibit – or you may participate in both. If you choose not to have your work shown online, follow Steps 1 and 2, skip Step 3, and proceed to Step 4.

We will not use the EntryThingy portal we used for past juried exhibits for this non-juried exhibit. Instead of using the EntryThingy portal, all artists submitting work for the exhibit must read and follow the instructions and deadlines in the checklist below. Briefly: You will confirm your details, participation—and choice of venue—the information for the gallery label, ship your work for the in-person exhibit, and send a high-resolution image of the work you are submitting (if you  choose to participate in the online venue).

  • STEP 1   APRIL 1 deadline: Confirm participation by the APRIL 1 deadline.  All entrants must confirm with us whether and how they will participate in the exhibition (which format they will participate in:  in-person only, or both in-person and online formats).  To confirm: email Adrienne Mehrens at with your name, phone number, and your choice of venue: “YES, I’m participating. I wish to be in both the online and in-person exhibits/ or I will participate only in the in-person Member Museum Exhibit.”


  • STEP 2    APRIL 6 deadline: Email the gallery label information (see what info to include in the gallery label below) to Kari Gorden at

Gallery label information: Include the following information in this format/order:

      1. Your full name as you wish it to appear on the label
      2. Your city and state (or province/country  – if you live outside of the US)
      3. Title of the work
      4. Media used, including the substrate it is on (eg. encaustic on cradled board)
      5. Dimensions – with height of the piece listed FIRST, x width x depth (include if your piece is 3-D or if the depth is larger than one inch)
      6. Retail sales price. Be sure to factor in the commission fee and your shipping costs (shipping work to the museum, and the pre-paid return ship label – if work does not sell) when setting your price.


  • STEP 3   APRIL 6 deadline:  If you plan to be in the online exhibit: Submit jpeg of your work by the April 6 Deadline.  Email the high-resolution image (.jpeg or .png file) to Kari Gorden at .

(If you have your image ready when you confirm on April 1, you can email it then, but we must receive all jpegs and gallery label info no later than April 6).  

Image requirements:  Images submitted to the online platform for this exhibit must be saved as high-resolution .jpeg or .png files. For the exhibition purposes, this means:

– NO image files under 150 dpi. DO NOT send images saved at 72 dpi. Edit your file in such a way that it matches the proportions of your work – for example, if your work is 6 x 6 inches, be sure that the photo itself reflects those square proportions.

– Save your image file with 1800 px as the largest dimension. (Files saved at 150 dpi resolution and 1800 px would be 12 inches at the largest dimension.  You may send images saved at 300 dpi, but the largest dimension at that resolution would still be 1800 px and for those specs, would be 6 inches as the largest dimension).

– Make sure your work is lit well and the image is in focus. Make sure the image is not skewed. In other words, we strongly suggest that you submit a high quality image that reflects well on your work. It can be a determining factor when selling your work (especially to an online buyer) that the quality of the photo is a good representation of your artwork, poor quality photos may make you/your work appear unprofessional.

– When you edit the image, be sure that it is cropped close to the edges of the work (if 2-D), or if your piece is 3-D, shoot it against a neutral black or white background only.


  • STEP 4  Prepare your work for shipping to EAI/Museum of Encaustic Art following all the deadlines & requirements listed below. Be sure to attach the exhibit ID label to the back (or bottom) of your piece. Include your name/contact info inside the box. Mark the name of the exhibit on the outside of your package. Purchase your pre-paid return shipping label from your shipper when you ship the package, and place the label inside your shipping box (or mail it to us separately). Provide the tracking information to Adrienne (


  • We do not offer guidance in pricing your work.  We can speak to the main-stream buyer, which typically is under $1000.  However, we have had purchases up to $3000. Do not send us jpegs to help you choose which artwork to send, we do not give guidance in this. 

  • SIZE RESTRICTIONS:  Due to limited space, we are limiting the size of work to be exhibited. 

2-D work, 18 x 18 equivalent or under

3-D work, 16 x 16 equivalent or under

             Framing can go beyond size limitation of the artwork itself.  Members artwork existing within the Museum used as your “one piece” will be the exception.

  • All work must be hang-ready.  Framework or wire firmly adhered.  

  • All artwork must be for sale – and remain eligible for sale – to the end of the gallery exhibition.  Do not attempt to sell this work on your website or enter it in any outside exhibitions.  Your work must be exclusive to this gallery.
  • The online EAI Members Gallery will remain active.  It will be marketed in addition to the Museum Gallery Exhibition, online and in person.  If you are unaware of the EAI online members gallery, each member is allowed 2 works of art.  Click here for more info on submitting to the member gallery .  If you have work in the online members gallery, be sure that work is currently for sale.  It is acceptable if you would like to show one of the works of art currently in the online members gallery.  Ultimately, that would double the exposure both in person and online.
  • Commission Fee for this exhibition: 60% to the artist/40% to Encaustic Art Institute and Museum. 

  • For inclusion in the online portion of the exhibition, members must submit a high-resolution jpeg to our assistant Kari Gorden ( We suggest the submitted images be saved at 150 dpi. 

  • Ensure that the email address you use is current. We will be contacting EAI Members at large through our software Constant Contact.  Filters run high, so if you do not hear from us – check your spam and contact your server to approve our email:


  • SHIPPING/DELIVERY: APRIL 1 – APRIL 21  We will receive artwork starting APRIL 1 through APRIL 21 for inclusion to the opening of the Gallery Exhibition.  Artwork received after APRIL 21st will be included in the gallery exhibition as space provides.  Artwork shipping deadline for inclusion beyond the opening for current members is: JUNE 1.  Exception:  Artists applying for EAI membership after the deadlines, can submit work to the Museum gallery no later than JULY 1.  

      • Hand-delivery of artwork to the Museum of Encaustic Art adheres to same deadlines as shipping.  Hours of Museum operations are Fri/Sat/Sun 11-4 for hand-delivery.  

      • Shipping/delivery address: Encaustic Art Institute, 18 County Road, 55A, Cerrillos, NM 87010
  • PRE-PAID RETURN SHIPPING LABEL is required.  Any unsold work will be returned after the exhibition ends.  Provide a pre-paid return shipping label, or your shipping account #.  Return receipts are acquired at the time of shipping.  Click here for general information about pre-paid shipping labels.  If work is sold, receipts will be returned.
  • TRACKING/SHIPPER information is required. No exception.  The Museum is located on property with a gate that remains closed during non-hours.  Our residence is on this property; when we are aware that artwork is to be delivered, we have the gate open.  FedX and UPS are aware of the protected area to drop off paintings at our home.  If left at the gate and we are not home, there is no shade.  Not a good thing. USPS office is one mile away and left in a climate controlled building with a note that goes in our mailbox for pick-up.   Email: with tracking information.
  • Click here to find the exhibit ID label to affix to the back of your 2-D work (or bottom of 3-D work).


The Museum’s Gallery exhibition will be marketed through our online mailing list and extensive social media.  Weekly press releases will go out to all print and radio media.  We encourage all members to send their own marketing of this gallery participation to existing patrons and social media.  When the gallery exhibition is launched on our websites, links will be sent to all members for inclusion to their marketing.


  • Call For Art opens on FEB  8 and last call for art goes out MARCH 30. 

  • APRIL 1: Deadline to confirm participation. (Email to  Adrienne Mehrens at

  • APRIL 6: Deadline to submit gallery label description, and image file – if participating in the online exhibit. (Email to Kari Gorden at

  • APRIL 1 through APRIL 21:  Shipped and hand-delivered artwork accepted for inclusion to the opening on May 3rd. 

  • MAY 3 through OCTOBER 1: Museum Gallery Exhibition open
  • MAY 3,  from 1 – 3 pm   –  Opening reception at Museum of Encaustic Art.

  • JUNE 1: Artwork may arrive up to June 1, for inclusion as space is allowed.  Artist applying for EAI memberships after June 1, have until July 1 to deliver work.  

This is a NON-JURIED call for art.  We are relying on you to send work that you are proud of.  Living in one of the largest tourist areas of the country, buyers are as diverse as the artists themselves.  Quality speaks for itself.  We appreciate your dedication to this popular medium and the desire for creative expression.

Let us know if you have any questions or requests,

Douglas and Adrienne Mehrens or 505-424-6487  (landline)