EarthX and the Museum of Encaustic Art
April 21, 22, 23 – A SUCCESS!
The Museum found the perfect forum with Earth-X to bring further awareness to the plight of the Honeybee. The Speaker Panel line-up on April 22, and the Museum’s booth at the convention also brought awareness to the encaustic medium and art process.
EarthxTV filmed the speaker panel and will be airing it soon. Stay tuned. We also will be given clips of the speaker panel from audience members and will post those soon as well.

Museum of Encaustic Art Speaker Panel: AVA ROTH, MELANIE KIRBY, TONYA TREST
Melanie Kirby: As a Fulbright-Nat Geo Storytelling Fellow with a graduate degree in Entomology, Founder of Zia Queen Bees, and Extension Educator for the Land-Grant Program at the Institute of American Indian Arts Melanie collaborates across cultures and landscapes promoting whole system approaches to pollinator conservation and education. Zia Queenbees is dedicated to conscientious and practical queen breeding, collaborative rearing projects, and to maintaining local, regional and national sustainability. https://ziaqueenbees.com/
Ava Roth: An award-winning Toronto-based encaustic painter, embroider and mixed-media artist. Her projects explore the boundaries of where humans collide with the natural environment and imagines a more beautiful outcome resulting from the encounter. Ava is currently working on an inter-species collaboration with local honeybees using collage, natural fibers, and honeycombs placed inside honeybee hives where thousands of bees begin their work. http://www.avaroth.ca/
Tonya Trest – moderator: A Dallas Texas award winning encaustic artist and board member of the Museum of Encaustic Art. She gathers much of her inspiration from nature, her travels, interesting cultures, and interactions between people and the world around them. https://tonyatrest.info
Video excerpt from the Speaker Panel below is from a phone video – thanks for your understanding about the poor audio quality. Stay tuned for the professional EarthxTX video coming out soon.
DISCOVER THE ART OF WAX – From ancient beeswax to the modern crayon
Click on image to enlarge.
The Museum had a unique opportunity to inspire, nurture, and inform on Friday’s Kids Day – K-6 graders, the importance of honeybees to our planet. Volunteers demonstrated encaustic wax applied to a heat plate in a printing format to children’s tour groups from schools across Dallas. Visual explanations and take-away flyers of the honey bee comb to the process of encaustic as well as demonstrations on a hot box and cold wax were part of the entire weekend.
Thank you to Tonya Trest, EAI board member and liaison for the Museum, for inspiring us to take part in this amazing event. Her focus, direction and time/energy investment to pull all of this off was invaluable. We could not have done this without her.
Thank you to the speakers Ava Roth from Canada and Melanie Kirby from New Mexico for dedicating their time and energies towards the speaker forum and traveling to the event.
Thank you to the Museum’s volunteers: Jane Cornish Smith, Brad Ellis, Ann Karol
Thank you to our sponsors: Enkaustikos Art Supply and Jerry’s Artarama Art Supplies
Thank you to Jeremy Millar, manager of Double Tree Hotel Love Field, for providing accommodations for our out-of-town speakers.
May we all continue to be environmental stewards in our own unique way,
Adrienne & Douglas Mehrens – The Museum of Encaustic Art