Instructions and information for artists accepted into the 2023 Global Warming is REAL exhibition
All accepted artists are expected to carefully read the instructions below, and follow all directions and deadlines. If you have any questions, contact Adrienne or Douglas Mehrens at 505-424-6487 or Mehrens@eainm.com.
- All artwork must be for sale – and remain eligible for sale – until the close of the exhibition (October 22).
- The Encaustic Art Institute takes a 50% commission fee on sold work, with 50% going to the artist.
- As noted in the Call for Art, all artwork included in the in-person exhibition (hand-delivered or shipped) must arrive with a pre-paid return shipping label or artist’s FedEx or UPS shipping account number included in their package. Click here for info on pre-paid return shipping labels.
Exhibition opens: SEPT 16 and runs through OCT 22
OPENING RECEPTION: SEPT 16 (noon – 3 pm)
There will be an opening reception at the Museum of Encaustic Art, 18 County Rd 55A, Cerrillos, NM, on Sept 16th (opening day) from noon – 3 pm. (click here for a map). The exhibit will be open to the public during normal business hours as noted on the top of the home page of this website (Fri/Sat/Sun 11-4). The online version of the exhibit will launch on Sept 16 and the link to the page will be found on the home page and in the main menu of the website under EXHIBITS.
ID label and Pre-paid return shipping label: Click here to find the identification label to affix to the back of your work (or bottom of 3-D work). Do not forget to include your pre-paid return shipping label, or your FedEX or UPS account number in your packaging. (See details below).
DEADLINES TO RECEIVE HAND-DELIVERED ARTWORK (For local artists): Sunday, SEPTEMBER 10 (see details below).
DATES TO PICK UP UNSOLD WORK (the weekend after the exhibit closes): Friday October 27, Saturday October 28, or Sunday October 29, between 11 – 4.
Notifications & Confirmation of Information:
On August 20: Notifications of the juror results have been emailed from alerts@entrythingy.com to all artists. Accepted artists’ names have been posted to the EAI website. We have also emailed each artist individually (from eainm.info@gmail.com) with a copy of the statement submitted with entries, the artist profile info, image details and prices of the accepted work in order for each artist to verify that all of the information is correct and final. The artist names are coming directly from the entries submitted/artist profiles – if you used a different name on your entry, we will not know that unless you tell us that you use a different name. All entry information and statements will be taken from the entry you submitted (or from the statement you sent separately to us). Even so, mistakes do sometimes happen – from our end or your end – please take the time to verify and confirm the information we have is correct.
Confirm by August 27: We ask that you confirm the information is all correct by Aug 27 – OR – if you have edits or corrections to any of the information (name, state, title, media, dimensions, prices and artist statements) that you provide those edits to eainm.info@gmail.com by Aug 27. We request that you respond whether or not you have edits, however if we do not hear from you by Aug 27, we will assume that all the information as submitted in your entry is correct and no changes may be made after the Aug 27 deadline. You may send in your confirmation or edits anytime before Aug 27.
Promotional image: We hope that you will promote the exhibit through your mailing lists and social media. We have included an image in the email we’ve sent on Aug. 20 that you may use, if you wish – or create your own posts for social media to raise awareness about the exhibit. Please look the image over and be sure that your name and title of your work are correct/as you wish it to appear. If you have a correction or edit – please let us know right away so we can send you a replacement image. The image has the home page of the EAI website listed as the link for “details” on the exhibit. Once the exhibit opens on September 16, there will be a link on the home page that will direct people to the actual online exhibit. Once the show opens, you can include that direct link to view the exhibit in your social media posts.
US-based artists will be shipping their work to EAI/Museum of Encaustic Art for the in-person exhibition (see details below). Your work will also be represented in the online version of the exhibit.
Artists based outside of the USA may choose whether they will be shipping work to EAI/Museum of Encaustic Art for the IN-PERSON exhibit, OR if they will be participating ONLY in the ONLINE venue. Please email Mehrens@eainm.com, as soon as possible, to confirm which venue you have chosen to participate in.
Deadline for hand-delivery of artwork is Sunday, Sept 10. For artists who live locally and wish to hand-deliver their artwork: please deliver to EAI only between the hours of 11 am – 4 pm.
If you are hand-delivering your artwork to us, please do still follow the instructions for shipped work and print out and attach the identification label to your artwork. You will also either provide a pre-paid shipping label or your FedEx or UPS account number for the return of unsold work when you drop off the work – or – you must pick up unsold work on one of the dates listed below.
Dates/Deadline to Pick-up unsold work at the end of the exhibition: on the weekend following the close of the exhibition – Fri/Sat/Sun October 27, 28 or 29 (between the hours of 11 – 4).
PRESENTATION OF YOUR WORK: For work shipped to EAI – The in-person exhibition will be held at the Museum of Encaustic Art in New Mexico. Your artwork along with your statement will appear in the exhibit. (In-person exhibitors will also be showcased in the online component of the exhibition). EAI will be responsible for shipping sold USA artwork to buyers, and paid shipping receipts to artists.
- Shipped artwork must arrive at EAI/Museum of Encaustic Art BEFORE Friday Sept 8. Ship to: The Encaustic Art Institute, 18 County Road 55A, Cerrillos, NM 87010. If you are requested to provide a phone number/email address for EAI to your shipping company, please use: 505-424-6487 & Mehrens@eainm.com.
- ALL ARTISTS SHIPPING ARTWORK MUST PRE-ARRANGE THE RETURN SHIPPING FOR ANY UNSOLD WORK. This means: all shipped artwork must include a pre-paid return shipping label in the packaging for the return of your artwork if the work is not sold – NO EXCEPTIONS. You must either include the pre-paid shipping label in the box you use to ship the artwork, OR If you have your own FedEX or UPS account, you may provide the account number to us in your package rather than sending the pre-paid shipping label. (OR if you live locally, you may pick-up the work in-person at the end of the exhibition, see deadlines above). We are not storing work for members – ALL return shipping MUST be pre-arranged before you ship the work. If you need more information on what a pre-paid return shipping label is, and how to get one, click here.
- All work must be ready-to-hang. This means: ALL artwork must be ready to hang with a secure wire across the back. No sawtooth hangers. Artwork without the proper means to hang it, will not be hung.Your work should be packaged carefully, with an identifying label firmly attached to the back or bottom of your work, (click here to find the identifying label to affix to the back of your work or bottom of your sculpture).Download and print the label, using the link above, and adhere it securely to the back of any artwork sent to us. If your piece is small, then please write in ink the pertinent information on the back.
If you are shipping us a 3-D sculptural piece that does not hang, put your name on the bottom of it. Include the needed information (your name, title, media, dimensions, price, name of exhibit, your current contact information) in your packaging, and we will keep those in a file.
When shipping artwork, please note your name, title of the exhibition and artwork title on the outside of the box, this helps us to locate your shipping box when returning.
- Please let us know the possible date of the arrival of your artwork.
Just a reminder, nobody should track your art better than you. Please keep a detailed log of what you have sent us. If you wish to have a painting returned for any reason, give us plenty of time to get it shipped to you.
We encourage you to research proper shipping and handling for your artwork. We are not responsible for any damage due to negligent packaging. Notify us of the shipping date, the tracking number, and the carrier via email at Mehrens@eainm.com.
You can find more general information about shipping HERE. If you do have questions after looking over the information, contact Mehrens@eainm.com.
PRESENTATION OF YOUR WORK: There will be an online component to the exhibit consisting of the jpegs submitted as entries, and copies of your artist statements available to view on the EAI website along with pay carts for buyers who wish to purchase your artwork.
For those artists not based in the US who are only participating in the ONLINE format – we will use the image you sent when you entered along with your artist statement in the online version of the exhibit. IF what you submitted in your entry was a low-resolution jpeg – you may email a replacement high-resolution jpeg to eainm.info@gmail.com to be received no later than Aug 27. Online-only artists will NOT be shipping their artwork to EAI. For work sold through the online venue: We will contact you with the buyer’s information. You will be responsible to package your work carefully and ship the work to the buyer. The buyer pays for shipping through a shipping fee added to the purchase price ($55 for small work, $70 for large work). In our experience, that will cover most shipping. If you feel that the $55 shipping fee will not cover shipping from your location to the buyer, contact us right away and we will discuss the fee.