TO REGISTER for private instruction:
Two weeks payment in advance is required to hold the date and time. Contact Douglas Mehrens at 505-424-6487 or Mehrens@eainm.com to verify availability.
Note: After clicking an add to cart button, the website page will refresh, you will need to scroll down on the page under the “add to cart” buttons, just below the “information/schedule” text, and you’ll see the shopping cart. If you wish to register additional people (up to 6 total participants), adjust the quantity in the shopping cart to reflect each additional person.
Click “Add to Cart” button at left to register/reserve your private instruction.
This will register ONE person for the 2-hour minimum instruction fee. To register other people for the same lesson, adjust the quantity (for each additional person) in the shopping cart.
Want to extend time after your pre-paid time? Extra time can also be alloted after reserved paid time. Click “Add to Cart” button at left to add $50/per person/per hour for any reserved additional time after the minimum.
To extend time for any other people for the same lesson, adjust the quantity (for each additional person) in the shopping cart.
Charge card/check/cash are also accepted on-site for additional time.
Information/schedule your private instruction: Mehrens@eainm.com or 505-424-6487
Shopping cart will appear just below here once an “add to cart” button has been clicked. Verify the content of your shopping cart, click the Checkout with PayPal icon to complete your payment. (You do not need to have a PayPal account, you may pay as a guest, or pay using credit/debit card.